in them poverty chains
cant get no justice
in them sterile white courts.
blue collar man
in them grimy working chains
cant get no justice
in them insulated courts.
freedom man
in them speak out chains
cant get no justice
in them walled off courts.
poor woman, ha!
in them second class chains
cant get no justice
in them man-god courts.
you and me
in them angry tired chains
cant get no justice
in them fictional courts!
Poetry Analyser:
The poet wrote this poem to express his dissatisfaction of the way that people are treated. The first stanza shows that the poet is lamenting of how Africans Americans are being treated. The poet uses "poverty chains" to paint an image on the readers mind, of a black man being caught as slaves and cannot get any freedom, and the writer also stresses on the different courts where they get justice. The similarity in all ideas in this is that the afro-american people just can't get justice in any type of courts.
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